4. Requesting a payment
4.1. Sending the request
Your POST must be sent to https://sandbox.pagbrasil.com/api/order/add setting the content-type of the request header and body as "x-www-form-urlencoded".
Please note that this URL shall only be used for integration and testing procedures. Once the Payment Service Agreement is signed, you will receive the production environment's URL when you request your account to go live.
Request parameters:
Field | Description | Required | Length |
secret | Secret phrase as defined in the PagBrasil Dashboard | Yes | 128 |
pbtoken | Token assigned to your merchant account. Your token is displayed at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. | Yes | 32 |
order | Order number. See note "e" | Yes | 64 |
payment_method | X = PagBrasil Pix | Yes | 1 |
product_name | Product name. See note "f" | Yes | 254 |
customer_name | Customer's full name if an individual, or "razão social" if the customer is a company. See note "g" | Yes | 128 |
customer_taxid | CPF if an individual, or CNPJ if the customer is a company. See note "h" | Yes | 14 |
customer_email | Customer's e-mail address | Yes | 128 |
customer_phone | Customer's phone number (including the 2-digit area code) | Yes | 40 |
address_street | Customer's street address | Yes | 200 |
address_zip | Customer's postal code (in Brazil called CEP). Only digits, do not include the dash. | Yes | 8 |
address_city | Customer's city | Yes | 40 |
address_state | Customer's state. See note "i" | Yes | 2 |
amount_brl | Amount in Brazilian Real. See note "c" | Yes | 7.2 |
pix_expiration | Number of minutes the PagBrasil Pix is valid for (from 1 to 7200). If you don't use this parameter, our system will use the default value set at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. You may extend the expiration of an already issued PagBrasil Pix using the API function "/api/order/extend" (see item 7). | No | 4.0 |
param_url | A string that can be concatenated to the URL our server posts the response to. See note "j" | No | 254 |
a) All fields are required except when noted otherwise.
b) If a parameter is sent with a size greater than the maximum allowed, process will not be aborted but the value will be truncated.
c) Banks set daily limits that each customer is allowed to transfer to another account. Limits are set on a customer basis and may vary depending on each bank account.
d) The response for the "/api/order/add" call will be an XML with the order details, in exactly the same format as a "/api/order/get" response (see item 5.2). Elements "pix_image" and "pix_code" in the XML contain the URL of the Pix QR Code image and the alternative code for mobile users to copy and paste when they cannot scan the code. Please refer to item 5.2 for further information on the XML elements of the response.
e) The order number must be unique for a specific customer. If you try to submit two different transactions with the same order number but a different customer_taxid, our server will respond with the message "Duplicated order.". Our server will also respond with "Duplicated order." if you try to re-submit an order that is already paid. If parameters order and customer_taxid are equal to a previously submitted unpaid order, the previous order will be updated with the new information provided and the response will be the URL that you will need to redirect the customer to (see note "d").
Characters allowed in the parameter order (regular expression): [a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_\/]
f) The parameter product_name must contain the name of the product or service purchased, and it is required for compliance purposes.
g) You need to let the customer selects if they are a "pessoa física" (individual) or a "pessoa jurídica" (company). If they select "pessoa física", you need to ask for their full name and CPF (see note "h"). If they select "pessoa jurídica", you need to ask for the "razão social" (official company name registered at the local tax authority) and CNPJ (see note "h").
h) There are two types of tax IDs in Brazil: CPF (used by individuals) and CNPJ (used by companies). You must validate the tax ID to prevent sending to PagBrasil invalid values. Please find below the format for each type of tax ID.
CPF: 11 digits, with no separator. Customers use to write CPFs with separators (example: 123.123.123-12), but you must allow to enter only digits from 0 to 9 (example: 12312312312).
CNPJ: 14 digits, with no separator. Companies use to write CNPJs with separators (example: 12.345.678/0001-23, but you must allow to enter only digits from 0 to 9 (example: 12345678000123).
Example of javascript to prevent other characters than digits:
onKeyPress='if (window.event.keyCode<48 || window.event.keyCode>57) event.returnValue = false;'
The last 2 digits of the CPF/CNPJ are check digits, and you will need to use them to validate the tax ID entered by the customer. You will find examples of CPF/CNPJ validation routines in different languages at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Resources. For testing purposes, please use CPF 91051605962 and CNPJ 78797547000157.
i) The parameter address_state must be the official abbreviation used in Brazil. To prevent customer from entering an invalid state, please see table below to create a select object (drop-down list).
State | Abbreviation |
Acre | AC |
Alagoas | AL |
Amapá | AP |
Amazonas | AM |
Bahia | BA |
Ceará | CE |
Distrito Federal | DF |
Espírito Santo | ES |
Goias | GO |
Maranhão | MA |
Mato Grosso | MT |
Mato Grosso do Sul | MS |
Minas Gerais | MG |
Pará | PA |
Paraíba | PB |
Paraná | PR |
Pernambuco | PE |
Piauí | PI |
Rio de Janeiro | RJ |
Rio Grande do Norte | RN |
Rio Grande do Sul | RS |
Rondônia | RO |
Roraima | RR |
Santa Catarina | SC |
São Paulo | SP |
Sergipe | SE |
Tocantins | TO |
j) The URL our server posts the response to for an "/api/order/add" call consists of a fixed and a dynamic part. The first part is defined at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. The second part is defined using param_url (optional). For example, if you define at the PagBrasil Dashboard the URL as "https://www.test.com/script.asp" and param_url as "?customer_id=12345&newsletter=yes" we will post the authorization response to: "https://www.test.com/script.asp?customer_id=12345&newsletter=yes"
4.2. Receiving the IPN with the authorization response
You need to login to the PagBrasil Dashboard and specify the URL (webhook) you want PagBrasil to send the IPN (Instant Payment Notification) confirming the payment was authorized. By default we only allow outgoing connections to HTTPS URLs at standard port 443. If you plan to use a different port number in the IPN's URL please contact us requesting an exception.
PagBrasil's POST:
Field | Description | Length |
secret | Secret phrase as defined in the PagBrasil Dashboard | 128 |
payment_method | X = PagBrasil Pix | 1 |
order | Order number | 64 |
amount_brl | Amount in Brazilian Real | 7.2 |
payment_status | A = Authorized | 1 |
authorization_code | Authorization code provided by the bank. Only available when payment_status = A. | 32 |
signature | HMAC-MD5 hash that authenticates the IPN. See note "c" | 32 |
a) After processing our IPN your server needs to acknowledge it has successfully received it by writing "Received successfully [timestamp]". If your server responds to our IPN with an invalid acknowledgement, our system will e-mail your technical contact a warning notification (subject "Urgent: Error posting IPN - Not Compliant"). In this case, the IPN will not be resent and you may want to resend the IPN manually at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu IPN History, after resolving the problem at your end.
If we are not able to connect to your server to send an IPN, our system will e-mail your technical contact a warning notification (subject "Urgent: Error posting IPN - Fail") and will then try to resend the IPN as follows:
The next 7 attempts will take place every 7 minutes.
The next 23 attempts will take place every 60 minutes. If the last attempt of sending the IPN fails, our system will e-mail another warning notification (subject "Urgent: Error posting IPN - Fail").
Please note that any IPN can be resent manually at any time at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu IPN History.
b) The payment status is returned as "R" (Rejected) when our fraud screening denied the transaction for security reasons – without submitting it to the Pix system.
c) To authenticate the legitimacy of the IPN, you may check the parameter secret and/or the parameter signature, which is a HMAC-MD5 hash based on three parameters and a key defined at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. The HMAC-MD5 source string is the concatenation of the values of the parameters order, amount_brl and payment_status and the total length for these three parameters. For example, if parameter order="1234567890", amount_brl="39.50" and payment_status="P", the parameter signature would be "3093a7dffa0c04e74e827d1b52ef514e".
In this example, the hash for the signature was computed using the string "123456789039.50P16" with the key "36d5f7184574caf84f5b48530ac0d690".