6.1. Sending the request
Your POST must be sent to https://sandbox.pagbrasil.com/api/order/refund setting the content-type of the request header and body as "x-www-form-urlencoded".
Please note that this URL shall only be used for integration and testing procedures. Once the Payment Service Agreement is signed, you will receive the production environment's URL when you request your account to go live.
Request parameters:
Field | Description | Required | Length |
secret | Secret phrase as defined in the PagBrasil Dashboard | Yes | 128 |
pbtoken | Token assigned to your merchant account. | Yes | 32 |
order | Order number | Yes | 64 |
amount_refunded | Amount requested to be refunded (Brazilian Real) | Yes |
7.2 | |||
suspicious | Value "1" indicates that you are refunding the order because you suspect that it is a fraudulent order. That feeds our PagShield fraud prevention service database. Otherwise, set this parameter as "0" (or blank). | No | 1 |
customer_bank | Only used when a refund is rejected. See note 6.2, item "c". | No | 40 |
customer_branch | Only used when a refund is rejected. See note 6.2, item "c". | No | 12 |
customer_account | Only used when a refund is rejected. See note 6.2, item "c". | No | 12 |
Note: A successful response for the refund request will be "Refund request received".
You need to login to the PagBrasil Dashboard and specify the URL you want PagBrasil to notify you when the refund is processed.
PagBrasil's POST:
Field | Description |
Length | ||
secret | Secret phrase as defined in the PagBrasil Dashboard | 128 |
payment_method | Value "C". This value specifies that the data being posted is the response to a credit card refund request. | 1 |
order | Order number | 64 |
amount_brl | Amount in Brazilian Real |
7.2 | |
amount_refunded | Amount refunded (Brazilian Real) |
7.2 | ||
payment_status | C = Chargeback See note "a" | 1 |
signature | HMAC-MD5 hash that authenticates the IPN. See note "d" | 32 |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
customer_bank = Customer's bank number (número do banco). Please find the bank numbers here (column "Número Código").
customer_branch = Branch number (agência).
customer_account = Account number (conta corrente). Must include the hyphen and the verification digit; for example: "12345-6".
When a refund was processed via bank transfer, one of the parameters returned when requesting information about a specific order is refund_info (see item 5.2), which includes the contents for parameters customer_bank, customer_branch and customer_account, formatted in a way your operator may easily review such information. Please see the following example.