Field | Description | Length |
order | Order number | 64 |
payment_method | Debit card = D | 1 |
submission_date | Date the order was submitted to PagBrasil. | 10 |
order_status | WP = Waiting for Payment | 2 |
authorization_code | Authorization code provided by the debit card issuing bank. Only available when order_status = PC. | 9 |
payment_date | Date the payment was completed. | 10 |
product_name | Product name | 254 |
customer_name | Customer's name | 128 |
customer_taxid | CPF if an individual, or CNPJ if the customer is a company | 14 |
customer_email | Customer's e-mail address | 128 |
customer_phone | Customer's phone number | 40 |
address_street | Customer's street address | 200 |
address_zip | Customer's postal code (in Brazil called CEP) | 8 |
address_city | Customer's city | 40 |
address_state | Customer's state (official abbreviation) | 2 |
amount_brl | Amount in Brazilian Real | 7.2 |
amount_paid | Amount paid by the customer in Brazilian Real | 7.2 |
cc_installments | Always 1 | 1 |
cc_brand | Debit card brand. See item 4.1, note "j" for codes. | 1 |
cc_holder | Debit card holder's name | 30 |
cc_number | Debit card number truncated | 14-19 |
cc_expiration | Debit card expiration date. | 5 |
soft_descriptor | Optional text identification that will appear on the customer's debit card statement next to the payee name (PB). See item 4.1, note "h". | 13 |
amount_refunded | Used when order_status equals equal to RR or RP. | 7.2 |
refund_date | Used when order_status equals equal to RP. | 10 |
refund_info | Used when order_status equals equal to RR or RP and the refund was processed via bank transfer. See item 6.2, note "b". | 128 |
error_code | Used when order_status equals equal to PF. See table in item 7. | 2 |
signature | HMAC-MD5 hash that authenticates the response. See note "a" | 32 |