3.1. Sending the request
Field | Description | Required | Length |
secret | Secret phrase as defined in the PagBrasil Dashboard | Yes | 128 |
pbtoken | Token assigned to your merchant account. Your token is displayed at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. | Yes | 32 |
product_name | Product name. See note "c". | Yes | 254 |
customer_name | Customer's full name if an individual, or "razão social" if the customer is a company. See note "d" | Yes | 128 |
customer_taxid | CPF if an individual, or CNPJ if the customer is a company. See note "e" | Yes | 14 |
customer_email | Customer's e-mail address | Yes | 128 |
customer_phone | Customer's phone number (including the 2-digit area code) | Yes | 40 |
address_street | Customer's street address | Yes | 200 |
address_zip | Customer's postal code (in Brazil called CEP). | Yes | 8 |
address_city | Customer's city | Yes | 40 |
address_state | Customer's state. See note "f" | Yes | 2 |
amount_brl | Amount in Brazilian Real of the recurring charge. | Yes | 5.2 |
limit | Maximum subscription renewals (0 or empty is unlimited). | No | 3 |
next_billing_date | Start date for the first recurring charge. | Yes | 10 |
frequency | Interval between the subscription renewals. Customized intervals may be defined at the PagBrasil Dashboard. | Yes | 1 |
response_type | XML (default) or JSON. | No | 4 |
cc_installments | Number of installments (1 to 12). See note "g". | No* | 2 |
cc_holder | Credit card holder's name | No* | 30 |
cc_number | Credit card number | No* | 14 - 19 |
cc_expiration | Credit card expiration date. | No* | 5 |
cc_cvv | Card verification value (security code). | No* | 3 - 4 |
The last 2 digits of the CPF/CNPJ are check digits, and you will need to use them to validate the tax ID entered by the customer. You will find examples of CPF/CNPJ validation routines in different languages at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Resources. For testing purposes, please use CPF 91051605962 and CNPJ 78797547000157.
Anchor | ||||
State | Abbreviation |
Acre | AC |
Alagoas | AL |
Amapá | AP |
Amazonas | AM |
Bahia | BA |
Ceará | CE |
Distrito Federal | DF |
Espírito Santo | ES |
Goiás | GO |
Maranhão | MA |
Mato Grosso | MT |
Mato Grosso do Sul | MS |
Minas Gerais | MG |
Pará | PA |
Paraíba | PB |
Paraná | PR |
Pernambuco | PE |
Piauí | PI |
Rio de Janeiro | RJ |
Rio Grande do Norte | RN |
Rio Grande do Sul | RS |
Rondônia | RO |
Roraima | RR |
Santa Catarina | SC |
São Paulo | SP |
Sergipe | SE |
Tocantins | TO |
Anchor | ||||