All methods return "this" to allow chaining of methods together.
4.1. setMerchant
Parameter | Attribute | Description | Required | Length |
pbtoken | PB_pbtoken | Token assigned to your merchant account. Your token is displayed at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. | Yes | 32 |
authentication | PB_authentication | Required when payment method is Débito Flash™ (value "3DS2"). | No | 4 |
authentication_onfailure | PB_authentication_onfailure | Required when payment method is Débito Flash™ (value "false"). | No | 5 |
4.2. setCustomer
Parameter | Attribute | Description | Required | Length |
customer_name | PB_customer_name | Customer's full name if an individual, or "razão social" if the customer is a company. See note "c" | Yes | 128 |
customer_taxid | PB_customer_taxid | CPF if an individual, or CNPJ if the customer is a company. See note "d" | Yes | 14 |
customer_email | PB_customer_email | Customer's e-mail address | Yes | 128 |
customer_phone | PB_customer_phone | Customer's phone number (including the 2-digit area code) | Yes | 40 |
address_street | PB_address_street | Customer's street address | Yes | 200 |
address_zip | PB_address_zip | Customer's postal code (in Brazil called CEP). Only digits, do not include the dash. | Yes | 8 |
address_city | PB_address_city | Customer's city | Yes | 40 |
address_state | PB_address_state | Customer's state. See note "e" | Yes | 2 |
4.3. setOrder
Parameter | Attribute | Description | Required | Length |
order | PB_order | Order number. Used when executing the methods doAddOrder and doGetOrder. See note "f" | No | 64 |
order_token | PB_order_token | Tokenized order number. Used only when executing the method doGetOrder. | No | 80 |
product_name | PB_product_name | Product name. See note "g" | Yes | 254 |
amount_brl | PB_amount_brl | Amount in Brazilian Real | Yes | 5.2 |
param_url | PB_param_url | A string that can be included as a parameter in the PagBrasil.JS callback. It may contain any information the merchant wants to. | No | 254 |
4.4. setPayment
Parameter | Attribute | Description | Required | Length |
payment_method | PB_payment_method | C = Credit card | 1 | |
bol_expiration | PB_bol_expiration | Number of days (0 - 999) the Boleto Bancário is valid for. If you don't use this parameter, our system will use the default value set at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. You may extend the expiration date of an already issued boleto using the API function "/api/order/extend" (please refer to the Boleto Bancário documentation, item 7). | No | 3.0 |
pec_expiration | PB_pec_expiration | Number of days (0 - 5) the PEC Flash® is valid for. If you don't use this parameter, our system will use the default value set at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Account > Settings. You may extend the expiration date of an already issued PEC Flash® using the API function "/api/order/extend" (please refer to the PEC Flash® documentation, item 7). | No | 3.0 |
cc_installments | PB_cc_installments | Number of installments. Required when payment method is credit (value "1" to "12") or Débito Flash™ (value "1"). See note "h" | No | 2 |
visitor_id | PB_visitor_id | Required when using PagShield fraud prevention service. Please refer to the PagShield documentation, available at the PagBrasil Dashboard, menu Resources. | No | 40 |
4.5. setCard
Parameter | Attribute | Description | Required | Length |
cc_prevsaved | PB_cc_prevsaved | To be used when charging a previously saved credit card on subsequent purchases. See note "i" | No | 80 |
cc_holder | PB_cc_holder | Credit card holder's name | Yes* | 30 |
cc_number | PB_cc_number | Credit card number | Yes* | 14 - 19 |
cc_expiration | PB_cc_expiration | Credit card expiration date. | Yes* | 5 |
cc_cvv | PB_cc_cvv | Card verification value (security code). | Yes* | 3 - 4 |
wallet_type | PB_wallet_type | Used only when processing Samsung Pay transactions. See note "k" | No | 2 |
wallet_payload | PB_wallet_payload | Used only when processing Samsung Pay transactions. See note "k" | No | Unlimited |
soft_descriptor | PB_soft_descriptor | Text identification that will appear on the customer's credit card statement next to the payee name (PB). See note "l" | No | 13 |
cc_save | PB_cc_save | Defines if the credit card information is stored at PagBrasil's server for future charges. This parameter must be always equal to "0" (zero) except when the customer has explicitly authorized future charges on their credit card. See note "m" | Yes | 1 |
cc_auth | PB_cc_auth | Used only for credit card transactions. | No | 1 |
e) The parameter address_state must be the official abbreviation used in Brazil. To prevent customer from entering an invalid state, please see table below to create a select object (drop-down list).
State | Abbreviation |
Acre | AC |
Alagoas | AL |
Amapá | AP |
Amazonas | AM |
Bahia | BA |
Ceará | CE |
Distrito Federal | DF |
Espírito Santo | ES |
Goias | GO |
Maranhão | MA |
Mato Grosso | MT |
Mato Grosso do Sul | MS |
Minas Gerais | MG |
Pará | PA |
Paraíba | PB |
Paraná | PR |
Pernambuco | PE |
Piauí | PI |
Rio de Janeiro | RJ |
Rio Grande do Norte | RN |
Rio Grande do Sul | RS |
Rondônia | RO |
Roraima | RR |
Santa Catarina | SC |
São Paulo | SP |
Sergipe | SE |
Tocantins | TO |
To be able to charge in the future a credit card linked to an order, set the parameter cc_save=1, and in the future order just set cc_prevsaved with the the original order number. For example, if order 123456 was submitted in the past with the parameter cc_save=1, you may charge the same customer again in the future by setting the parameter cc_prevsaved as "123456". Please note that:
If the original order number was not submitted using cc_save=1 then PagBrasil.JS will call back with error "Order not found".
j) Current accepted brands:
Brand | Code | CC Length | CVV Length | Sample |
Mastercard | M | 16 | 3 | 5555666677778884 |
Visa | V | 16 | 3 | 4984123412341234 |
Diners | D | 14 | 3 | 30111122223331 |
Amex | A | 15 | 4 | 376411112222331 |
Hipercard | H | 16 | 3 | 6062111122223339 |
Elo | E | 16 | 3 | 6362970000457013 |
l) By default a transaction is shown on the customer's credit card statement as "PB*XXXXXXX, PORTO ALEGRE".
"PB" is what is called the hard descriptor (cannot be changed).
"XXXXXXX" is the soft descriptor (customizable).
"PORTO ALEGRE" is the city where the payment processor is located (cannot be changed).
n) Please find below information on each cc_auth value.
cc_auth=0 (or blank) - Authorize and capture a transaction immediately.
Charge BRL 100 to a credit card:
cc_auth=0Pre-authorize BRL 100 and then later capture (charge) the full amount:
Step 1:
cc_auth=1Step 2: (up to 14 days later than Step 1)
cc_auth=2Pre-authorize BRL 100 and then later charge only BRL 75 (partial capture):
Step 1:
cc_auth=1Step 2: (up to 14 days later than Step 1)